Healthy Shorelines for Healthy Lakes

From LYL Blog


A shoreline evaluation program

Restoring balance; one natural shoreline at a time

Restoring balance; one natural shoreline at a time

By: Long Lake Stewardship Committee and Nepahwin Lake Watershed Stewardship Group In our collective desire to enjoy access to our City of Greater Sudbury urban lakes, waterfronts have been manicured and hardscaped leading to the decline of lake water quality. Many of...

10 Ways to Have Fun with Nature at the Cottage

10 Ways to Have Fun with Nature at the Cottage

Spending time at the cottage is what memories are made of. However, sometimes your kids may be looking for something different to do. We have you covered!  Below are some ideas to entertain friends and family, all while keeping nature in mind. 1. Geocaching Download...

Is it OK to bathe in the lake?

Is it OK to bathe in the lake?

Simply put – no! Turns out soap – even those labeled as biodegradable– can impact lake water and the plants and animals that call the lake home. If something is labeled as biodegradable it typically means it will break down within six months under the right...

The Importance of Using Native Plants Along Your Shoreline

The Importance of Using Native Plants Along Your Shoreline

Having a shoreline buffer – a strip of trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials on your property along your shoreline – provides many benefits. Shoreline buffers help protect against erosion, filter runoff, absorb nutrients, reduce the risks of flooding, protect property...

Is a Gaggle of Geese Causing You a Gaggle of Issues?

Is a Gaggle of Geese Causing You a Gaggle of Issues?

If you have a shoreline property and are having issues with Canada Geese and the amount of droppings they leave on your lawn, it could be that you are unintentionally inviting them. There is no doubt that Canada Geese are attracted to shoreline properties that have...

10 Successful Years for Love Your Lake

10 Successful Years for Love Your Lake

Participating in Love Your Lake is a great way to gauge the health of your shoreline and your lake and become a steward of your local freshwater! Over the past 10 years, Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) have been proud to support waterfront...

Impacts of Wildfires on Lakes

Impacts of Wildfires on Lakes

Wildfires are a natural part of ecosystems and can even be beneficial. They recycle nutrients into the soil; they open the forest canopy and allow for new growth; and some species, like Jack Pine and Lodgepole Pine, need fire to open their cones and release their...

Protecting Your Shoreline Property from Ticks

Protecting Your Shoreline Property from Ticks

We sometimes hear from people who are nervous about naturalizing their shorelines for fear of creating habitat that will attract ticks. Ticks are definitely something to be concerned about. However, you can create a beautiful shoreline buffer that will help protect...

Help Your Aquatic Neighbours: How to Properly Drain a Hot Tub

Help Your Aquatic Neighbours: How to Properly Drain a Hot Tub

Did you know that there is a right and a wrong way to get rid of your hot tub water? Doing it the wrong way not only harms aquatic environments but can also result in large fines! In many provinces and territories, hot tub water is classified as grey water – like the...

Are We to Blame for Lakes Getting Warmer?

Are We to Blame for Lakes Getting Warmer?

It seems that people, at least in part, are to blame for lakes getting warmer and for reduced ice cover. At least, that is what a study in the journal Nature Geoscience concluded. The paper published last year called “Attribution of global lake systems change to...

Algal Blooms – Concerning but Not Necessarily Intensifying

Algal Blooms – Concerning but Not Necessarily Intensifying

Nitrogen and phosphorous are two nutrients that are important for aquatic plants. While nitrogen and phosphorus occur naturally, many times these nutrients are in excess in our lakes because of human activity. It’s our actions that can tip the scale of these vital...

What’s Happening to Canada’s Common Loons?

What’s Happening to Canada’s Common Loons?

Mention Common Loons and images of pristine lakes echoing with the enchanting calls of these beloved water birds probably comes to mind. However, recent data reveals a cry for help might be necessary to save this iconic Canadian species. Using four decades of data...

Winter at the Lake

Winter at the Lake

Summer days of soaking up the sun, listening to the loons call from across the lake and taking out the kayak may be memories from the recent past, but the fun doesn’t have to end now that winter is here! While it’s true that cozying up to a warm fire, drinking a cup...

Waterways Under A-Salt!

Waterways Under A-Salt!

If you thought the use of road salt only impacted our lakes and rivers in the winter, think again! Road salt, usually sodium chloride, is applied to our roads, sidewalks and parking lots in the winter to help keep these areas safe and to reduce accidents. While it...

Closing-up the Cottage With Nature in Mind

Closing-up the Cottage With Nature in Mind

With fall comes sweater weather, beautifully coloured leaves, cooler temperatures, and for many — time to close the cottage for winter. Below are some shoreline-friendly tips to keep in mind as you wrap up another cottage season. Inside Your Cottage  If your cottage...

Turn Off the Lights!

Turn Off the Lights!

We keep learning how artificial light impacts wildlife. While many species can be affected, migratory birds are particularly sensitive to lights left on at night. Migratory Bird Calls A recent study looked at the impact of light pollution at night and how this...

How Lake Associations Can Get Involved in Love Your Lake

How Lake Associations Can Get Involved in Love Your Lake

We often hear from lake association members who are interested in having Love Your Lake delivered on their lake. This makes us very happy! Perhaps the lake association heard about the Love Your Lake program from a friend, a neighbour or they found our website while...

Protecting Your Gardens, Lawn…and Your Lake

Protecting Your Gardens, Lawn…and Your Lake

Many people work hard to have a lush, green lawn.  It’s a labour of love for many – the mowing, raking, weeding, fertilizer and pesticide applications – it brings a definite sense of pride. But did you know that what we do on our properties can impact the health of...

Natural is Beautiful

Natural is Beautiful

Your shoreline was meant to be naturally beautiful. Naturalized shorelines are cost-effective, ecologically responsible, stunning and they add value to your property. They’ll also provide welcome natural habitat for wildlife. Below are a series of before and after...

Has Your Lake Been Part of the Love Your Lake Program?

Has Your Lake Been Part of the Love Your Lake Program?

Have you downloaded your shoreline property report? If you have, great! That’s the first step in learning what actions you can take on your own property to improve your shoreline health and lake health. What’s even better is that it doesn’t have to take a lot of...

Love Your Lake

Love Your Lake

Cruising out on the open water having the warm summer breeze blow by as the boat putts along…

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