Invasive species are the second-greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide after habitat loss. In the absence of natural predators, diseases and competitors, invasive species alter food web structures, cause population declines and biodiversity loss, and negatively impact the enjoyment and economic viability of an area. Humans are mostly to blame for the introduction of many of these invasive species, but we’re also in the best position to prevent these introductions.
Once introduced and established, invasive species are difficult and costly to manage or eradicate. Let’s do what we can to prevent their introduction. To avoid an introduction as much as possible, consider the following:

Never move or release live baitfish or other fish from one body of water to another

Never release aquarium plants, fish or other animals, like turtles, into a natural system

Inspect, clean and thoroughly dry all boats, trailers, water skis, scuba gear or other equipment before introducing them to a new water body

Plant native species

If camping, buy local firewood rather than bringing your own
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