Healthy Shorelines for Healthy Lakes

Values Survey


Shorelines are one of the most unique places on earth. Your actions can have a huge impact on this delicate interface. Daily actions by all individuals help to conserve the water in lakes and rivers. Shoreline property owners in particular can play a significant role. But how do we know if our shorelines are healthy? The Love Your Lake program will assess the health of your lake’s shoreline and encourage shoreline property owners to take voluntary stewardship actions.

Love Your Lake is a partnership program between the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Watersheds Canada. The program is delivered in your area by your local conservation groups and lake organizations.

The intent of the program is to get shoreline property owners, like you, thinking about what you value about your lake and taking actions that reflect those values. This program connects shoreline property owners with the information they need to make smart land management choices that improve wildlife habitat, water quality, and the overall health of your lake.

The purpose of this survey is to identify what is important to you about your lake.

Please answer the questions below as thoroughly and as honestly as you can.

Any publication of the survey results will be based upon collective, group data and will not report the input of any individual.

    Personal Information

    Lake Information

    Survey Questions

    1. Which of the following apply to you? (Select ALL that apply)

    2. Do you have a two or three season cottage that you plan on winterizing?

    3. How long have you or your family been on your lake?


    4. What types of recreational activities do you participate in at the lake? (select as many as apply)


    5. Please rate how the following 15 elements add to your personal enjoyment of your lake. Please select only one number for each value.

    6. What do you see as the top three issues facing your lake and your lake use?

    7. Please identify the top three actions you believe should be undertaken to benefit your lake and lake community.

    Water Quality

    8. Describe your lake's water quality:

    9. What are your particular concerns with respect to your lake water quality?


    10. Are you interested in learning more about how your activities as a shoreline property owner can affect water quality, wildlife habitat, and the overall health of your lake?

    11. Would you be interested in participating in stewardship projects/activities related to your lake?

    12. What barriers have you encountered when trying to participate in stewardship projects? (select all that apply)

    Your feedback is highly valued and we thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions!


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